Basic Concepts Television News
01.26 | Author: Klana

News writing is the result of reconstruction of social reality that there is in life. More news writing is the work of reconstructing social reality rather than a picture of reality itself.

Decisive element newsworthy / important or not events
(according to Harriss, Leiter and Johnson 1981:29-33):

•    Novelty

•    Conseguence
•    Conflict

•    Suspence

•    Human Interest

Priority Submit News:
•    Security
News of the most powerful is when lives are threatened
•    Money
Something that no financial impact to the audience
•    Disruption
Something that makes the lack of comfort levels and smooth life
•    Choice

Preference will be something in the
•    Interest


News can be categorized by:

(1) the nature of the incident

(2) issues covered

(3) the scope of coverage

(4) the nature of the news


1.Based on the nature of Genesis
a.News had expected would happen.

For example: an interview with a journalist Goenawan appearing in a seminar.

b. News of the events that occur suddenly without warning.
For example: the fire telephone central office.

c. News of the planned events will occur.
For example: Environment Day event every June 5.

d. News of an unexpected combination of events and unexpected.
For example: the head of state murder trial event in commemoration of Prophet Muhammad's Birthday.

2. Based on the issues covered
The issue here usually refers to those aspects of life in society. In general, there are four aspects of human life, namely: social, economic, political, and cultural.

3. Based on the Scope of Coverage
The scope of coverage, typically, is divided into four sections, namely local, regional, national, and international.

4. Based on the nature of Coverage
There is a news content that inform, educate, entertain, give an example, influence, and so on. Can I have a word of more than one trait. However, the nature of the news that is primarily informed.


•    Accurate
Rules of news writing in the modern sense, the report should be factual, objective and balanced accuracy. As the accuracy of the translation, it appears the formula 5W + H (What, Who, When, Where, Why, and How).

•    Objective
News should be factual report about an event as it is, but of course as far as this is possible, because the journalists also have limitations. To pursue objectivity is subsequently emerged a comprehensive report and investigative reports.

•    Balance
News is a report that includes an impartial objective interests of specific groups. Balanced nature of the message shall be maintained so as not to mislead the reader and are not challenged by those who feel themselves aggrieved.

• Picture / Visual
• Sound
• Script vs. Narrative

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3 komentar:

On 26 Desember 2008 pukul 09.52 , linux mengatakan...

lumayan juga....
thank'a atas artikelnya

On 26 Desember 2008 pukul 09.54 , linux mengatakan...

ternyata ada jg yang peduli

On 12 Januari 2009 pukul 04.22 , Klana mengatakan...

yup,sama2 hehe
Sbenernya lg isenk cba buat,, : )